Investment strategy and investment mandate

The financial objectives is to preserve the real (inflation-adjusted) value of the Foundation’s capital over the long-term and generate return to fulfil and support the advancement of the foundation’s philanthropic purposes. Investments are managed on the basis of existing in perpetuity.

The investment portfolio consists of a multi-asset, multi-manager diversification strategy that will yield a net rate of return sufficient to cover long-term inflation while preserving capital over a market cycle.

The current investment mandate is:

·        Cash and money market 5%

·        Fixed income 25%

·        Equities 50%

·        Private Equity 10%

·        Real Estate 10%

The portfolio is currently diversified across asset classes, sectors and regions.

The Foundation is responsible for the ongoing management of its investment assets: an investment portfolio designed to earn a financial return sufficient to support a substantial, stable level of grant making and related operating activity over the planning horizon. Risk exposure in the portfolio is monitored closely.

Investment portfolio

The Gjensidige Foundation’s investment portfolio is thoroughly diversified across asset classes, investment strategies and geographies.

Equity funds

•Mostly active mandates, but some passive mandates as well

•Long only and long-short

•Niche and diversified mandates

Fixed income funds

•Government, investment grade, high yield


•Single securities held to maturity

•Hybrid and inflation-linked

Private equity funds

•Global mix of buy out and venture

•Impact investing

Real estate

•Norwegian and European core/core+


•Portfolio hedging overlay

•Options and futures